Source code for crtm_poll.cli

"""Console script for crtm_poll."""
import sys
import click
import click_log
from crtm_poll.crtm_api import stop_times
from crtm_poll.daemon import daemon
import random
import pathlib
from filelock import FileLock
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger()

# Dictionary with configuration parameters for fetching the content
fetch_conf = {}["-h", "--help"]))
@click.option('--fetch-log', nargs=1, help='Write fetch logs in CSV format.',
                              writable=True), default=None)
@click.option('--timeout', nargs=1, help='Fetching timeout in seconds per '
              'session.', type=click.INT, default=40, show_default=True)
@click.option('--max-connections', nargs=1, help='Maximum simultaneous '
              'connections per fetching process.', type=click.INT,
              default=100, show_default=True)
def main(fetch_log, timeout, max_connections):
    """Console script for crtm_poll.
    fetch_conf['log'] = fetch_log
    fetch_conf['timeout'] = timeout
    fetch_conf['max_connections'] = max_connections

               help="Get the stop times for all the bus lines in a given stop."
def get_stop_times(cod_stop):
    """Wrapper around stop_times.get_stop_times
    logger.debug("cod_stop: "+str(cod_stop))
    json, time = stop_times.get_stop_times(cod_stop, fetch_conf)
    print(json)"Request time: " + str(time) + " s")


[docs]def load_stops_file(stops_file): """Read file with stop codes (one by line) to array. Keyword arguments: stops_file -- path to the file containing the stop codes (one by line) Returns: cod_stops -- array of stop codes """ logger.debug("stops_file: "+str(stops_file)) cod_stops = [] with open(stops_file) as f: for line in f: cod_stops.append(line.rstrip('\n')) logger.debug("cod_stops: "+str(cod_stops)) random.shuffle(cod_stops) return cod_stops
@click.command(name='gstb', help="Get the stop times for all the bus lines for every given" " stop code in a file, one per line. In JSON format." ) @click.argument('stops_file', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True)) def get_stop_times_batch(stops_file): """Wrapper around stop_times.get_stop_times_batch Keyword arguments: stops_file -- path to the file containing the stop codes (one by line) """ cod_stops = load_stops_file(stops_file) json_array, total_time = stop_times.get_stop_times_batch(cod_stops, fetch_conf) print('\n'.join(json_array))"Requests total time: " + str(total_time) + " s") main.add_command(get_stop_times_batch) @click.command(name='gstbp', help="Get the parsed stop times for all the bus lines for every" " given stop code in a file, one per line. In CSV format." ) @click.argument('stops_file', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True)) def get_stop_times_batch_parsed(stops_file): """Wrapper around stop_times.get_stop_times_batch_parsed Keyword arguments: stops_file -- path to the file containing the stop codes (one by line) """ cod_stops = load_stops_file(stops_file) csv_array, total_time = stop_times.get_stop_times_batch_parsed(cod_stops, fetch_conf) print('\n'.join(csv_array))"Requests total time: " + str(total_time) + " s") main.add_command(get_stop_times_batch_parsed) @click.command(name='daemon', help="Run a periodic daemon that executes one of the possible " "functions and stores the output a given file." ) @click.option('--interval', nargs=1, help='Period of the daemon in seconds. ' '(Default: 60)', default=60, type=click.INT) @click.option('--processes', nargs=1, help='Maximum spawned fetching ' 'processes. (Default: 5)', default=5, type=click.INT) @click.option('--max-conn-test', nargs=4, help='Test different maximum ' '(simultaneous) connections in random order. Pass 4 integer ' 'values: start, stop, step and repetition (e.g. 5 101 5 1).', type=click.INT) @click.argument('function', nargs=1, type=click.Choice( ['gstb', 'gstbp'], case_sensitive=False )) @click.argument('stops_file', type=click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, readable=True)) @click.argument('output_file', type=click.Path(exists=False, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False, writable=True)) def start_daemon(function, stops_file, output_file, interval, processes, max_conn_test): """Wrapper around daemon.start_daemon Keyword arguments: function -- acronym of the function to execute among the supported ones stops_file -- path to the file containing the stop codes (one by line) output_file -- path to the file were to append the results interval -- period of the daemon in seconds processes -- maximum spawned fetching processes max_conn_test -- Test different maximum (simultaneous) connections in random order. Pass 4 integer values: start, stop, step and repetition (e.g. 5 101 5 1). """"Starting daemon...") if (function == 'gstb'): func = stop_times.get_stop_times_batch elif (function == 'gstbp'): path_exists = pathlib.Path(output_file).exists() print(path_exists) if (not path_exists): with FileLock(output_file + '.lock', timeout=60): with open(output_file, 'a+') as f: f.write(stop_times.gstbp_csv_columns) func = stop_times.get_stop_times_batch_parsed cod_stops = load_stops_file(stops_file) daemon.start_daemon(func, (cod_stops), output_file, interval, processes, max_conn_test, fetch_conf) main.add_command(start_daemon) if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main()) # pragma: no cover